The Universidad Andina del Cusco, an institution dedicated to offer higher education, research and social projection at the service of the community, strengthening the primacy of the human person, which is the supreme goal of society and the State; committed to social change and contributing to the creation of a just, free, caring, educated society at the service of local, regional and national development. It has 5 faculties, 20 professional schools, Second Specialty Programs and postgraduate studies: Masters and Doctorates.

The Faculty of Health Sciences has a modern physical infrastructure, dedicated to train high quality professionals in Psychology, Nursing, Obstetrics, Stomatology, Human Medicine and Medical Technology; making use of modern educational technologies for higher education, appropriate to the needs of our society and according to our reality; the professionals who graduate aim to promote health, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and recovery of health, with emphasis on the pathologies and prevalent damage of the local, regional, national and international community, prioritizing the work with the population at risk.

The Professional School of Nursing, created in 1997, provides comprehensive training based on scientific, humanistic, philosophical, epistemological, technological and doctrinal foundations that enable the Bachelor of Nursing and post degree in 6 programs of Second Specialty in Nursing to provide holistic care to the person, family and / or community in the various phases of the life cycle, considering the interculturality and applying the process of nursing care as a scientific methodology of work.


Yanet Castro Vargas
Dra, RN – Researcher, Project coordinator

Luis Alberto Chihuantito Abal
PhD, RN – Researcher

Edo Gallegos Aparicio
Dr., RN – Researcher, Project Co-coordinator

Miluska Frisancho Camero
Dra., RN – Researcher

Sdenka Caballero Aparicio
Mg, RN – Researcher

Rosslusa Soto Trelles
Mg – Researcher

José Efraín Larrea Campos
Mg – Researcher

Jean Carlo Benavides Gaona  
MSc – Technical staff

Ana Maria Chevarria Morillo
Lic. – Administrative staff

Fernando Philco Prado